Event Booking

Do you need the men in your church to MAN UP? Schedule author Jody Burkeen to speak to your men and challenge them to stop being a “spiritual sissy” and MAN UP…Gods way.
Jody is available for men’s retreats and seminars. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or an in church seminar, Jody will get your men motivated to make godly changes in the personal walk with Christ, their marriage, as fathers, in church, at work, in accountability and disciple making.
"There was an instant bond"
Any church looking to engage their men into the ministry of being a better husband, dad or man in their community could do no better than Jody Burkeen and Man Up! Having followed Jody online and read his first book I expected that we’d have a pretty good weekend for the men of our church but once the guys met Jody and heard what he was sharing there was an instant bond. Over a year later I know many of these men follow Jody online and we still have men talking to us about the things Jody challenged us with. If your church or men’s group is looking for a speaker, then I highly recommend having Jody Burkeen and Man Up!
Ivan Baker
Men’s Pastor
Nebo Crossing
"My family has forever been changed"
I first met Jody Burkeen and Man Up God’s Way at an Iron Sharpens Iron conference in Cedar Rapids Iowa. I was a relatively new Christian and thought now that I said a prayer and went to church most Sunday’s, that was good enough. Thanks to The Holy Spirit and Jody’s ministry, I was challenged to take my faith to the next level. Man Up taught me how to not to just know Jesus, but to have a close intimate relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is so much more than most people realize. Man Up will guide you through Biblical principles, to live your life with and for God in all areas of your life. I thank God every day for introducing me to the Man Up way of life, my family has been forever changed.